
儿童主日学网页    Schoology 在线教学

点击普通话基督少年军  Youth Brigade (BB)

Youth & Children Sunday School aiming for Young people experience “life to the full.” (John 10:10). 

10:30am: 集合就座,祷告预备心 Prayer Meeting
10:45am: 儿童崇拜 Sunday Service
11:10am: 分班上中文圣经班 Bible Class (From Reception – Y11)
12:10pm: 分班上中文课 Chinese Class (from Y1 – GCSE)
1:15pm : 午餐时间  Lunch Break

2-4pm: 少年幸福小组 或基督少年军  Youth Happiness Fellowship or Youth Brigade

“The Boys’-Girls’ Brigade has faith in youth and provides them with opportunities to learngrow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith.” ~ https://boys-brigade.org.uk/ourvision

我 们 有 这 指 望 如 同 灵 魂 的 锚 , 又 坚 固 又 牢 靠 。希 伯 来 书 6:19

Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast. Hebrew 6:19


Holistic Christian Education

敬 畏 耶 和 华 , 是 智 慧 的 开 端 。 认 识 至 圣 者 , 便 是 聪 明 。 箴 9:10
教 养 孩 童 , 使 他 走 当 行 的 道 , 就 是 到 老 他 也 不 偏 离 。 箴 言 22:6

Christian Education focused in holistic education, a collaboration between family and church.
从广义方面来说,主日学要用生命来影响生命,在教会和教会的学校里, 让孩子,老师和家长们能够经历到生命的塑造和更新,一直到完全像主耶稣的样式。

教会与家庭的教育必须要配合:家庭要与教会的教导一致,不可互相矛盾,否则儿童会无所适从。因此,父母要关心子女在教会学校学习了什么,在家里跟孩子温习,并帮助孩子在家里实践所学习的真理。例如这礼拜孩子学习了彼此相爱的道理,父母就要在家里帮助孩子爱别人,自己也要在日常以身作则爱护孩子和他人。 基于大多数的父母都很忙,或是受本身不同背景环境的限制,包括了知识、情感和实践上的成长等,所以教会提供一套系统的教导,让儿童和家长获得系统性的中文和灵性的全人的平衡学习。


迦南团契 :每个月的第三个礼拜一 4pm, 一起聚餐 (福清福建佳肴),然后有亲子讲座,夫妻婆媳关系讲座,查考圣经,电影或家庭郊游。
伊甸团契 :每个月的第一个礼拜 天 12:30pm, 一起聚餐(中西餐),然后有亲子讲座,夫妻婆媳关系讲座,查考圣经,电影或家庭郊游, 或普通话的查经班和团契。


In a broad sense, PTH Sunday school uses life to affect life. In the school, children, youth, teachers and parents can experience the life-long development and renewal of life until they live more like our Lord Jesus.

The education of the church and the family must closely cooperate: the family education should be consistent with the teachings of the church and vice-versa. Therefore, parents should care about what their children have learned in the Bible Class, Chinese Class, Youth Happiness Group and Boys’-Girls Brigade, refresh and revise the learning with their children at home, and help their children practicing the Word of God they have learned at home. For examples, this week the children have learned the principle of loving each other, parents should help the children love one and others at home and in society, and they should set an example in their daily lives. Based on the fact that most parents are very busy, or are limited by their own different backgrounds and environments, the church provides a set of systematic development, including a balanced intellectual/cognitive, love & compassion and practical-experiential development (see the figure above) so that children, youth and parents can acquire systematic Biblical and Spiritual  development, supported by Chinese language learning as a holistic well-being.

Welcome to Eden and Canaan Fellowship’s series of Parent Garden Talks and Bible Study Classes:

Eden Fellowship, Canaan Fellowship and Bible Studies: There will be parent-child seminars, workshops about the relationship between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Bible studies, movies and dinner together (Chinese, Malaysian and Western Crusine) family outings and fellowships in Mandarin. It is our aims that parents to maintain close communication with our caring teachers and have living role models: so that they can jointly understand the needs of individual children and youth. Together we can effectively facilitate children and youth to grow matured in Christ, rooted in bible with spiritually-mentally-culturally-socially balanced. 

联系方式 Contact us:
电邮:pthchildrenministry@cardiffcccc.org ; pthchildrenministry@gmail.com
地址:74 & 65, Llandaff Rd, Cardiff CF11 9NL