







王 興

2023年2 月24日

<Mission Month>                       24th February, 2023

Peace dear brothers and sisters,

March is the mission month of the church. There are special topics every weekend to help us understand different missions. As an overseas Chinese Church, we have been established in the mission field. Looking back at the past, we can see the Lord’s miraculous deeds everywhere!

In the 1950s, Pastor Youde Wang saw the Chinese people scatter in different UK cities, so he travelled everywhere to preach the gospel. He once visited Cardiff in person, and talked with the owner, staff and customers about the ‘Heavenly Kingdom’ in the New China Chinese Restaurant, where the tradition of ‘free tea’ in the Cardiff Chinese restaurants started. In the 60s, Miss Mary Wang from London and Miss Meiling Seeto from Newport often got together to pray for the salvation of Chinese souls in South Wales, and asked the Lord to establish a Chinese evangelistic ministry here.

In the 1970s, Christian students came to study in Cardiff from Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore and started evangelical Bible studies in the dormitories. Local churches and Christians gave them great spiritual help and encouragement, with the support of COCM, the Cardiff Chinese Christian Fellowship was founded. They also ran a Chinese school on Sunday, teaching Chinese and Bible to serve the second Chinese generation and reach the local Chinese families. In the 1980s, by the abundant grace of God, more overseas students and local Chinese heard the gospel and repented. In 1991, the Cardiff Chinese Christian Church was established.

Overseas Chinese churches are churches of mission. We should not only preach the gospel locally, but also have a global gospel field in mind; we should not only care for our Chinese community, but also care for our neighbours — people of all ethnic groups.

Jesus said, ‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’ John 13:34-35

The church proclaims the Gospel and obey the Great Commission, starting with a new command — Love one another.

In Christ,

Sam Wong