

時值寒冬,災民處處,遇難者人數不斷攀升, 至2月10日已超過23,000人罹難。世界各地的救援隊伍都以第一時間前往支援,搜索拯救生命,並以物資救濟。敘利亞北部經歷十年內戰蹂躪,地處偏僻,地震發生後的道路障礙,救援更是艱難,景況淒慘!
王 興
2023年2 月10日

<Turkey-Syria Earthquake>          10th February, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,              

On February 6, a 7.8 and 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck South-eastern Turkey near Syria, followed by numerous aftershocks. Old and new buildings in cities and towns collapsed extensively, gas pipes burst and caused fires to skyrocket, a doomsday scene! Turkey is in a region with frequent earthquakes, but this twin earthquake in the South is rare.

Earthquake victims are everywhere, and casualties keep rising. By February 10, more than 23,000 people had died. Rescue teams from all over the world went to offer support as soon as possible, searching and saving lives, and providing material relief. The Northern part of Syria has been ravaged by ten years of civil war. It is located in a remote place. After the earthquake, the roads are blocked, and the rescue is made even more difficult. What a miserable situation!

The first mission church in the New Testament, the Church in Antioch, is located in today’s Syria. Paul’s Tarsus in Cilicia, Timothy’s Lystra, and Gaius’ Derbe are all in the earthquake-stricken areas of South-eastern Turkey today. During Paul’s first and second mission journeys, many churches were established in this land.
Let us pray to God our Father in this difficult time, personally and in small groups:
‘For He will deliver the needy who cry out,
    the afflicted who have no one to help.
He will take pity on the weak and the needy
    and save the needy from death.
He will rescue them from oppression and violence,
    for precious is their blood in his sight.’
(Psalm 72:12-14)
Victims lost their loved ones are physically and mentally traumatized. And they desperately need food, medical care and shelter. Let us donate to the charitable organizations that are doing local rescue and provide support for the victims of the ‘Turkey-Syria Earthquake of the Century’.         
In Christ,
Sam Wong