
二百年前,一個15歲的威爾斯女孩Mary Jones 從家鄉翻山越嶺,沿著Bala Lake赤腳步行26英哩,到Bala 小鎮的教會購買聖經。她用了六年的時間,一針一線,一分一文地儲蓄了買聖經的款項;可惜到達教會,那僅剩下的一本聖經已被訂購了。這件事感動了Charles 牧師,因此而推動了「人人有經可讀」的聖經公會運動。



威爾斯!這昔日聖靈火焰焚燒的復興之地,今日何竟成了鐵石心腸的花崗岩硬土? 距離上次的威爾斯大復興,已是一百年前的事。「耶和華啊,你忘記我要到幾時呢?要到永遠嗎?你掩面不顧我,要到幾時呢?」(詩篇13:1)




王 興3/2/2023

<A Call from Wales>                3rd February, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

200 years ago, a 15-year-old Welsh girl, Mary Jones, crossed the mountains from her hometown, walking 26 miles barefoot along Bala Lake, and went to the church in Bala to buy a Bible. She had worked and saved penny by penny for 6 years in order to buy a Bible.  Sadly, when she arrived the church, the only remaining Bible had been ordered by. Inspired by Mary, Rev Charles promoted ‘A Bible for everyone’ Bible Society Movement.

Last Monday 29/1, the UK Bible Society Chinese Ministry held a seminar in our church for the West England and Wales Chinese Churches’ pastors. The theme: “Crossroads in History”. Due to the 2021 UK Census, and the surge in number of people attending Chinese churches in the past two years, we have to seize this opportunity to proclaim the Word of God and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.

The census shows that less than half of the British population are Christians, is Britain still a Christian country? Nationwide, people with no religious beliefs account for the largest proportion, with Cardiff and southeast Wales on the top. Christians account for the least proportion, especially in Southeast Wales.

Wales was once the land of Revival, but has now become a hard-hearted granite and hard soil. The last Wales Revival happened over 100 years ago.  ‘How long, Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me?’ (Psalm 13:1)

We were still discussing ‘Where there is no Sunday Worship, there is a mission field.’ The challenge God has given us today is, ‘Even though there is Sunday Worship here, this is still our mission field.’ ‘Door-step Mission’ in many cities are receiving students and families from afar; but for us Christians living in Cardiff and South Wales, our ‘Door-step Mission’ is not only overseas students and families, but also the local people.

‘May the Lord’s fire of revival revive me again!’ Before going to bed tonight, let us spend 5-10 minutes praying for the salvation of our neighbours, presenting them to the Lord one by one, and praying for the blessings of the Holy Spirit on this land again!

In Christ,

Sam Wong